KOJIMA PRODUCTIONS has obtained the THX pm3 Studio Certification, a quality standard for acoustic technology, in its own sound studio. This certification ensures the audio quality of the sound area within the studio meets the highest audio standards that will take the sound design of future games from KOJIMA PRODUCTIONS to the next level.

We took this opportunity to have an interview with Steven P. Martz, Vice President of the THX Global Technology Partnerships, to learn more about THX’s history, its certification structure, and its effect on game production.*Click the following link for his profile https://www.thx.com/about/#gallery-4



------- Q and A -------

Thank you for taking part in our QA, Mr. Martz, we really appreciate it. Before we dive into the certification itself, let’s take one step back for those who are hearing about THX for the first time; can you explain what THX is and why it’s important to sound? 

THX Ltd. was born out of Lucasfilm from George Lucas recognizing that cinemas needed enhanced audio-video standards and technology for audiences to enjoy a movie the way the creators intended. Since then, for the past forty years, THX has continued to drive advances in optimizing audio quality for a wide range of entertainment experiences from cinema to live performances to home theaters and consumer electronics devices. THX is dedicated to helping our partners deliver great entertainment experiences everywhere.


Can you give us a little insight into how the THX® pm3 Certified Studio program was developed?

As a part of this mission to provide great entertainment experiences to everyone everywhere, the THX pm3 Certified Studio program arose.

There was an emerging demand for smaller content development studios in the production workflow focused on gaming, music, TV, and movie pre-production. THX jumped in and developed these new standards to work with the smaller studios as a part of the production flow. This THX pm3 Certified Studio program empowers cinematic-quality content to be enjoyed in these home environments and over a broader range of consumer devices.

Over the decades THX has certified more than 4,000 cinemas and hundreds of studios worldwide.


Take us back to the first conversation you had with KOJIMA PRODUCTIONS, what was it like, what did you discuss?

THX has over the years certified key content production studios around the world including many great THX® Certified pm3 Studios in Japan. KOJIMA PRODUCTIONS is a leading game development studio, and it made sense to collaborate to validate their world-class facility. Hence, the relationship was born. 


What were your first impressions when you saw the KOJIMA PRODUCTIONS sound studio? What stood out to you the most?

It’s like driving a Ferrari; it’s the most high-performance experience in its class. It has been impressive to work with KOJIMA PRODUCTIONS given they are a legend in gaming. We had confidence in their ability to create their studio to the THX-recommended standards of audio design and optimization because they understand and value the benefit of quality and higher-fidelity sound as in this case.


What criteria does a studio have to meet to gain THX certification? 

THX Certification is comprised of hundreds of tests from industry leading standards to proprietary tests THX developed over the past four decades in this business. For KOJIMA PRODUCTIONS to achieve THX pm3 Studio Certification for this gaming studio we looked to ensure reliable, translatable, and superior performance in professional multi-channel mixing, critical review, and monitoring studio. This included designing the layout of studio equipment such as speaker placement and geometry of the space, specifying the acoustic targets, and providing optimum listening angles. All of this works together to ensure the highest audio performance can be achieved in the final design of a KOJIMA PRODUCTIONS game.


Are there any differences in approach between game studio and film studio for THX certification? Likewise, what are the similarities?

They are very similar in terms of audio-centered certification when talking about entertainment for a home audio experience. Both a game studio and a small film studio are focused on telling a similar entertainment narrative. While they are similar, the difference applies to the equipment in the studio, the room size, the acoustics of the environment in the studio, the layout of it all, and of course, the final consumer entertainment experience each is creating.


What advice would you give to someone who wants to elevate their sound experience when playing games.  

Great sound starts in game development. Aside from that, post-production, a gamer needs to make sure they have excellent gaming equipment – starting with speakers – and don’t forget your room acoustics. Otherwise, gaming while listening over high-end gaming immersive audio headphones is best!



About THX

Founded in 1983 by filmmaker George Lucas, THX Ltd. today continues to excel at empowering great entertainment experiences. The company provides innovative modern technologies and the assurance of superior audio and visual fidelity that truthfully delivers the artist’s vision. THX offerings go beyond studios and cinemas to consumer electronics, content, automotive systems, and live entertainment. Its THX® Spatial Audio and patent-rich THX AAA (Achromatic Audio Amplifier)™ audio technologies, and world-class THX® Certification standards, help THX partners bring premium entertainment enjoyment to market in the cinema, home, and mobile lifestyle electronics, THX was named Global 100 2024 Awards’ Best Audio & Video Certification company. For more information, visit THX.com, and follow up on Facebook, Instagram, YouTube,  X, LinkedIn, and TikTok.


THX, THX Certification, and the THX Logo are the property of THX Ltd., registered in the U.S. and other countries. All other trademarks and copyrights are the property of their respective owners.
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